What We Do

Empowering Youth:

Empowering young people with training on care giving for the elderly is a great way to create opportunities for them to serve society while also fulfilling the needs of the elderly population. Such training equips young people with the knowledge and skills to provide compassionate care and support to seniors in hospices, old age homes, and homes where the elderly are staying alone. Through this training, young people learn about the unique needs of the elderly and how to provide care that is respectful, dignified, and effective. This not only benefits the elderly but also creates meaningful work opportunities for young people.

Blissfull old age home foundation initiative to train young people in care giving and place them in care homes and in homes where the elderly live alone is a commendable effort. By doing so, Blissfull old age home foundation is creating job opportunities for the younger generation while also addressing the needs of the elderly. This not only helps in meeting the caregiving needs of the elderly but also provides young people with the opportunity to learn from the elderly's life experiences and wisdom. This initiative is an excellent way to promote intergenerational understanding and respect, while also contributing to the community's well-being.

Protecting Kids

Blissfull old age home foundation is committed to the well-being of children living in slums across Delhi and NCR. We believe that hunger and poverty should never be a barrier to education and growth. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to provide nutritious food and educational materials to children, giving them a chance to thrive and succeed.

At Blissfull old age home foundation, we understand that a child's upbringing is not just about providing for their immediate needs, but also about instilling values that will help them become responsible and caring members of society. As such, we focus on orienting and training children to respect their parents and elders, learn from their experiences and wisdom, and grow into individuals who can make a positive impact on the world around them. With our holistic approach, we strive to create a brighter future for children in need, one where they have access to opportunities and resources that allow them to reach their full potential.

Training youth

Blissfull old age home foundation has been creating a strong social support system for elderly care through its various initiatives. One such initiative involves training and educating the youth about the importance of elderly care and their responsibilities towards their elderly family members. The organization conducts workshops and seminars to create awareness among the youth about the needs of the elderly and how they can provide support and care to them. These workshops also aim to break the age-old stereotype of neglecting the elderly and promote a culture of respect and care towards the elderly.

Apart from educating the youth, Blissfull old age home foundation also provides value education to children through various programs. The organization believes that inculcating values like empathy, kindness, and respect towards the elderly at a young age can create a long-lasting impact. By promoting these values, children become more compassionate towards the elderly and understand the importance of providing care and support to them. This helps in creating a society where elderly care is not seen as a burden but as a responsibility towards the elderly members of our community.

Through its efforts, Blissfull old age home foundation is creating a social support system that connects the elderly, youth, and children. By bridging the generation gap, the organization is promoting mutual understanding, respect, and compassion towards the elderly. This support system helps in providing a safe and secure environment for the elderly and ensures that they are not left alone or neglected. By creating this support system, Blissfull old age home foundation is not only providing care and support to the elderly but also creating a sustainable model that can be replicated in other communities.

In conclusion, Blissfull old age home foundation initiatives in creating a social support system for elderly care through training youth and providing value education for children have created a positive impact in society. The organization's efforts have created a culture of care and respect towards the elderly and have helped bridge the gap between generations. The social support system created by Blissfull old age home foundation is an example of how communities can come together to provide care and support to their elderly members.

Tackling Youth

Blissfull old age home foundation is committed to tackling climate change by actively promoting sustainable practices such as tree planting, cloth reuse, and recycling. The organization understands that the effects of climate change are far-reaching and can disproportionately affect vulnerable populations like the elderly. By planting trees and encouraging recycling and cloth reuse, the organization is contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Furthermore, by making these materials available to elders in their old age home, they are ensuring that they are taken care of in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way.

Through its efforts, Blissfull old age home foundation is setting an example for others to follow in the fight against climate change. By promoting and practicing environmentally responsible behavior, they are demonstrating that it is possible to protect both the environment and the well-being of the community. It is crucial to recognize that small changes can make a significant impact, and Blissfull old age home foundation work in planting trees and recycling and reusing materials is a testament to that. By adopting these sustainable practices, Blissfull old age home foundation is paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.


Blissfull old age home foundation is committed to protecting the human rights of the most vulnerable members of society. Homeless people often face severe challenges in securing basic necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. To address this problem, Blissfull old age home foundation provides free meals to homeless individuals and families in Delhi and NCR. In addition, the organization works with local authorities to provide temporary shelter and clothing to those in need. This initiative has helped to improve the lives of countless people who are struggling to make ends meet, and it is a testament to Blissfull old age home foundation dedication to promoting human dignity and respect for all.

Another critical aspect of Blissfull old age home foundation work is its focus on supporting children and the elderly. The organization recognizes that children are the future, and it is essential to invest in their education and development. Therefore, Blissfull old age home foundation provides educational materials to children living in slums in Delhi and NCR. The organization also emphasizes the importance of respecting and caring for the elderly. To this end, Blissfull old age home foundation works with children to help them understand the value of intergenerational relationships and encourages them to learn from the wisdom and experience of their elders. Through these initiatives, Blissfull old age home foundation is promoting a culture of compassion, respect, and mutual support, which is essential for building strong, healthy communities.