Elderly Care

Rehabilitation and welfare of destitute elderly:

Blissfull old age home foundation has provided free shelter, food, medical facilities, and all other basic needs required to elderly people who are destitute and have nowhere else to go. This has had a positive impact on the lives of elderly people who otherwise would be left on the streets to fend for themselves.

Palliative-care and Hospice-care:

Blissfull old age home foundation has established an old-age home that provides palliative-care and hospice-care services to elderly people who are suffering from terminal illnesses. This has helped to alleviate the suffering of elderly people who are in their last stages of life.

Last rituals for the destitute elderly:

Blissfull old age home foundation perform the last rituals for elderly people who die in their old-age homes. This has been of great help to those elderly people whose children refuse to accept them even after their death and have no one else to perform their last rites.